Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Prayers of a Babe

I had the most wonderful experience on Sunday morning. I was on my way to Sunday School and church with my children when my 8 year old daughter asked me about "that thing." Now I worship my Savior in a Baptist church and we share communion once a month. I explained to her in that communion was for people who have Jesus in their hearts. She looks at me and says " I want Jesus in my heart." ( I think that the tears started here!) I asked her why she wanted Jesus in her heart. She told me because he died on the cross for her sins and she wants to be able to see him in Heaven. We took a few minutes and went over a little bit more. I asked her if she still wanted Jesus in her heart. She told me that she was certain that she did! I told her that the next step was to confess to Jesus that she is a sinner and ask him to forgive her sins and to come into her heart. She informed me that she didnt really know "how to pray." I told her that she can do what I do. I have an open dialect with God all day. I talk to him like I am talking to you know. I was hold her little hand with tears running down my face ( please know that I was driving at the time!) I asked her if she wanted me to help her pray. She thought that she did. I led her in a few moments of prayer.

I tell you, leading your own child to the Lord is a powerful experience. I have led other children to Him as a camp counselor in the summers of my teenage years. This was so much more amazing than I could ever have imagined. I will thank God every day that my daughter will join me in Heaven one day. The Angels are rejoicing!

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